Each image within a project or folder is scored by an audience lens automatically. All images can be ranked, or displayed in order of Vizit scores so you can easily see which images are the most and least engaging by selecting an Audience Lens and a Benchmark to filter the project or folder images.
To get started, open the project or open the folder containing the images you want to rank, and select the audience to rank the assets through the eyes of. Second, select the correct benchmark that you want to compare your assets to so that you can see the right Vizit Scores for each image in the folder.
If you have assigned tags to images, you can segment your image list to include only images that have one or more tags.
Set the sorting order by Audience rank. The image order will update to display the images with the highest audience scores first.
It can also be valuable to view the images with the lowest audience scores. To reverse the display order, click the vertical arrow.
Note: You can also display image maps in this view.
To rank images according to a different audience, simply choose another audience, and the image order will update automatically.
You can also download a spreadsheet that contains audience scores for all project or folder images.