Comparing One or More Project Images Against One or More Benchmarks

Comparing a single project image against a single benchmark produces the image’s Vizit score and visual trends. But you can also perform side-by-side score comparisons of one or more project images against one or more benchmarks.


Note: You can also download a spreadsheet containing Vizit scores, as well as audience scores, for all images in a project or folder.


To get started, open the project or open the folder that contains the image or images to compare. If you have assigned tags to images, you can use tags to segment a set of project images.


Select the audience lens you want to use for comparison. In this example, the comparison will be performed for Amazon shoppers.


To compare a single image, hover over the image and click its three-dot icon . . . 



. . . and click Compare


To compare up to 10 images at once, select them all. You can press Shift to select consecutive images, or press Ctrl (PC) or Cmd (Mac) to select individual images. Then click Compare in the lower right corner.


Along the top of the Compare page, you can keep or change your audience, and select one or more benchmarks.



You can also apply an image map.


Above each image is the average of the benchmark scores, and the images can be listed in order of selection order or high to low audience score.


Below each image are the Vizit scores for each benchmark for the selected audience.


Changing the audience, or changing benchmarks, will produce different scores.



Double-clicking an image in this comparison view will open it in a separate tab, where you can view its Vizit score.

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