Tags are used to identify project images by a keyword, label, or other term. Once tags are assigned, you can use them to segment project or folder images to display only images that have one or more tags.
As with a set of un-segmented project or folder images, tags can be used to segment images for audience ranking, benchmark scoring (Vizit scores), scoring comparisons, or image map analysis.
Tags can be assigned upon image upload, or you can add them as described here, to images already uploaded. If a tag you want doesn’t exist yet, you can create it on the fly. For admin users, tags can be added, edited, or deleted in the Tag manager.
Start by opening the project or opening the folder that contains the images you want to tag. Be sure that Show Tags in the tags drop-down is selected. Any existing tags will be listed below each image.
In grid view, to tag a single image, right-click on the image and choose Edit tags.
To tag one or more grid-view images, select them at once. You can press Shift to select consecutive images or press Ctrl (PC) or Cmd (Mac) to select individual images. Then click Edit tags in the lower right corner.
For images displayed in list view, use the checkboxes to select the images to tag. The three-dot icon for a single image has the Edit tags option, or for multiple selected images, click Edit tags at the lower right.
In the Edit tags window, clicking in the Find a tag field displays all tags defined in the workspace. These can also be seen in the Tag manager.
Start to enter the tag you want to assign. If the tag exists, it will appear on the list, and you can click the tag to add it.
If the tag does not yet exist, enter the complete tag and choose to create it.
You can assign one or more tags to the selected images. To remove an added tag, hover over it and click its X icon. When finished, click Save.
Once tags are assigned to images, you can use tags to segment, or filter, a set of project or folder images.