Workspace Users and User Roles

Each workspace can have its own list of users, and each user can have one of three roles. There is no limit to the number of users with each role.

To access the list workspace users, click the Setting icon in the top right corner.

Select the Workspace Settings feature.

Select the People tab, to navigate to where all current users are listed.

Each user can have one of three roles. Roles can only be set by admin users.

Admin Contributor Viewer
Can invite other users, remove users, change user roles, and delete tags. Can create and edit content. Can only view content.

Each user can have roles in one or more workspaces, but access to each workspace is configured separately for each user.

To invite a new user, which can be done only by admin users, click Invite at the top right of the user list.

Enter the user’s email address, set their role, choose the workspace to which the new user will be added, and click Invite.


The user will be listed as pending until they receive the invitation email, click the link, and set up their account. 

Admins can also change user roles, by clicking the ellipses next Role field and choosing a new role.

Admins can remove a user by clicking the ellipses at the end of the user row.


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