Create Monitors for Products

Getting a monitor set up for a listing is easy and only takes a few minutes. If you don’t have any monitors, you can create one by clicking here:

If you already have at least one monitor created, you can create another by clicking here:


Step 1: Select a retail channel

Monitoring is currently only supported for Amazon (US region), so this option is already selected for you.


Step 2: Find your product on Amazon

Simply paste the product detail page URL or ASIN of the product you’d like to monitor. Importing all the assets for this listing may take a few minutes.

Once the PDP’s assets are imported into Vizit, you can preview the product to make sure it is the correct one that you want to monitor.


Step 3: Select audience lenses

Choose the audience(s) that most represent the persona of the buyer of this product. These will be used to score the assets from your product detail page and benchmarks.


Step 4: Select benchmark(s) to compare against

For each benchmark you choose, we'll import the hero and carousel assets from the top 100 Amazon products to generate your monitor’s scores every month.


Step 5: Review Monitor Configuration

Make sure all your selections from the previous steps are accurate, and then click the Create Monitor button.

Once you’ve submitted your request, Vizit will take up to two business days to import assets, create benchmarks and generate Monitor scores.

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